SuperCloud Studios is an American cloud-based multimedia studio with a core focus on music, television, film and distribution company that uses the industry’s best software and tools with its ProHub Portal for the creation, Collaboration, Monetization and Distribution. SCS is a division of SuperCloud International, Inc. which is owned by its parent company SuperCloud Global Holdings, Inc. SuperCloud Studios seeks the best producers, directors, content owners, musicians and talent from around the World to partner with us here at SuperCloud Studios and to enjoy the lions share of the revenues from their works versus being paid pennies on the dollar from the Major Studios. Our Producers, Directors, Content Owners, Musicians and Talent become true partners with SCS to create and own their financial future instead of working for the Major Studios.
The SuperCloud Studios Brand concept traces its genesis to around 2004 - 2005 as part of a predecessor company controlled by our founder, Jim Devericks, which merged with and acquired Pyramid Media Corp. The company was immediately successful in obtaining a distribution deal with Universal Music and Video Distribution’s Fontana. This distribution arrangement was the most beneficial distribution agreement that any of the succession of prior companies had ever had merging with or acquiring Pyramid Media Corp. As a result of the merger, the record division had signed legendary artists such as Stephen Stills of Crosby, Stills and Nash and successfully continued to sign other quality artists providing exclusive content for its then website, (bonus tracks were not available on the album and nor were exclusive clips from concert DVD’s). The record division team consisted of such music industry veterans as Jeff Shane (VP Capitol Records), Julian Shapiro (Former Head of Sony Records International) and Rob Sides (VP Giant Records). The music division was housed in 3,000 sq. ft. of premiere office space in Miami where all functions of a major distributed record label were accomplished. The music division also had under contract Memphis legends, The Barkays, LA singer/songwriter Heather Bradley, New York rock band The Invisible and others. Pyramid at that time was in new signing negotiations with no less than 5 artists from Hip Hop to Smooth Jazz. The music division, with its in-house legal staff, handled all licensing for the content on the Company website, publishing licenses and all other legal requirements of all of the divisions of the company. The music staff was also responsible for the programming and special features contained on the Company’s website.
The Company that merged with and that had acquired Pyramid Media Corp. added its consulting division after Jim Devericks had received his music industry certification to become a music consultant and artist manager from the Universal Music Group. The new consulting division of the combined Companies brought new business with the addition of high caliber music industry personnel and artists who began to take notice of who the Company had become and where the Company’s vision would eventually lead it. The Company had recruited and aligned itself with some of the best music industry professionals with proven track records that the industry had to offer during that time. The new Company had been successful in securing distribution through Universal Music & Video Distribution (Fontana). Having the strength of the largest music company in the world supporting the new combined Company had spoken for itself. Securing major label distribution in today’s music industry climate is considered nearly impossible and is truly still the HOLY GRAIL of the music industry. We have always had the music artist in mind as the core focus of our business. Culture Music, the music arm of SuperCloud International, Inc. and its subsidiaries are very artist-friendly and entertainment company / brand oriented and will always remain so. Many years of extensive research on the strengths and weaknesses of the Major Labels and the entertainment industry as a whole, have helped us formulate a very specific strategy to help SuperCloud International, Inc. gain and maintain a major market share of these industries. Culture Music’s philosophy is to take old world music industry mentality and infuse it with new world technology thus granting Culture Music a competitive edge in the marketplace. Culture Music’s philosophy can be easily be understood and embraced by the recording industry and the entertainment industry, especially after the music piracy scandal, the download phenomenon and now the streaming success of music and media giants like Pandora, NetFlix, HULU and others because the labels now see the benefit of hybrid entertainment companies like SuperCloud International, Inc.’s – SuperCloud Studios and Culture Music. From the very beginning of SuperCloud International, Inc.’s – SuperCloud Studios and Culture Music, Jim Devericks has maintained the overall vision of goals and strategies to make SuperCloud International, Inc.’s – SuperCloud Studios and Culture Music a global leader in the music and entertainment industries.